Mindfulness Through Horses and
The Mandala of Awareness Retreat
20 - 22 NOVEMBER 2020
ZOOM Platform 9AM - 5PM (with breaks)
Full Price: US395
Sign in via Paypal
More Info: judy@healingthroughhorses.com
Judy Schneider, Equine Inspired Retreat Wellness Leader and Tiffani Gyatso, Brazilian Artist and Self-Development Teacher, invite you to Mindfulness Through Horses and The Mandala of Awareness Retreat where women from all over the world come together to support, celebrate and encourage one another to move forward with grace and ease.
In these unique times of isolation, having to be at home and stop doing so many things we are habituated to do to maintain our sense of identity, is now being questioned.
Now is a great opportunity of for growth. We are looking straight into the eyes of our personal mirrors, facing loneliness, boredom, purposelessness, anxiety and unknown fears.
When women come together and share about their dreams and emotions, we realize we are not alone as we are all traveling the road less traveled.
Mindfulness Through Horses and The Mandala of Awareness Retreat you'll:
- Create your personal Mandala which will offer you guidance and illumination on how to take your next best step forward
- Be able to identify emotional blocks, get rid of self doubt and live life on your own terms
- You'll become grounded in understanding how to handle fear, anxiety and loneliness during time of great uncertainty
- Enjoy guided meditations to bring more peace and calm into your daily routine
- Find your inner strength as we collectively navigate Covid-19
- Create a sisterhood of like minded women who long for authentic connection
- Become re-inspired to make plans for the future
- Have a group check in call following the retreat
- Walk away with a Wise Woman guidebook to support your personal transformation